Project Office Productivity/Accountability
Project Office productivity is simple to track with Project Tracker Project Office (PMO) Software. Establishing accountability is made easy when trying to find out who is responsible for what. Project Tracker helps increase productivity by providing Project Office/PMO Status Reporting as well as our popular Time Reporting Application. These two tools can provide a critical PMO Reporting solution that will allow for a comprehensive look into how much time & amount of resources being spent on each project and create a complete Project & Time Tracking tool.

Project Office Status Reporting
PMO status reporting is critical in assuring Project Office Productivity. Automatic reminders can be set for status reports to be sent to selected emails to update the progress of projects. This will increase accountability by getting current information on where the project is and if it is on track. Is the project is falling behind, you are then able to see if time and resources were being used in the most efficient manner. Employees are then held more accountable for deadlines, budget, and time spent on each project. Project Tracker status reports allow for updates on project health, budget, issues, risks, tickets as well as an option to attach documents right to the report. Project status reports are automatically sent to project managers to provide a color-coded snap shot of the project, simply link to the project from the report in your email to know more, or export to PowerPoint or Excel for a meeting ready presentation.

Time Reporting
Combining time reporting with PMO status reporting can be an essential combination for increasing Project Office Productivity. Our time reporting application, Time Tracker, will allow for a comprehensive look into how much time is being spent at every stage of a project. Our unique web-based timesheets will charge time against projects, individual tasks within projects, departments or even organizations. Project Managers will be able to increase employee accountability with the knowledge of time spent on tasks to confidently determine the next steps on projects. A unique 'last submitted' button is available reproduce your last timesheet to reduce time spent filling out a new sheet. Time Tracker includes the ability to template Web based timesheets on pre-established department profiles. To learn more about how Project Office Productivity can increase with time reporting, click here.

Task Calendar
Using online task calendars, project managers can quickly review the assignments of their employees and where their efforts are scheduled on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.